Saturday, November 30, 2013

MoVember Winner - "The Selleck"!

As part of my legal office's MoVember competition, we decided to hold a contest to determine who would win...and I won "Best in Show."   Attached are pics from days 25 & 30 as well as my certificate and prize:

 Day 25
 Day 30 - The Winning 'Stache

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I'm hoping to win the legal office MoVember!

Here's how things are going so far:

Day 5

Day 10

Day 15
I'm going for the Magnum P.I. look...

Day 20
 This thing's getting nasty!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Five Hundred

Today I crossed the 500 mile mark and couldn't be more happy.  I'm now on my third pair of running shoes (which have yet to arrive, but have been ordered).  You may notice that my pace has slowed down somewhat as I'm about two weeks behind when I should've hit the mileage mark.  This is attributed to the deteriorating weather conditions in Kabul as it is now somewhere between the mid-thirties and low fifties on a daily basis and we just finished 3.5 days of rain.  It was almost like living in the Pacific Northwest again.